
열두줄극락조(Twelve-wired Birds of Paradise)

신용짱 2019. 4. 11. 05:07

EBS 다큐프라임 "수컷들 1부 광기의세계" 캡쳐

열두줄극락조(Twelve-wired Birds of Paradise)~인도네사아 열대우림에 서식하는 극락조중 한종

꼬리깃이 가는 철사줄처럼 생긴것이 특징~암컷을 유혹하는 춤사위로 유명


 ▲열두줄극락조(Twelve-wired Birds of Paradise)

  ▲열두줄극락조(Twelve-wired Birds of Paradise)

  ▲열두줄극락조(Twelve-wired Birds of Paradise)

  ▲열두줄극락조(Twelve-wired Birds of Paradise)

  ▲열두줄극락조(Twelve-wired Birds of Paradise)

  ▲열두줄극락조(Twelve-wired Birds of Paradise) 암컷이 찿아왔네요

  ▲열두줄극락조(Twelve-wired Birds of Paradise)암,수

  ▲열두줄극락조(Twelve-wired Birds of Paradise)